Author Guidelines
Due to the double-blind review process, authors should avoid identifying themselves in the submitted materials. The conference includes tracks of academic papers, practice-oriented papers , case studies, and poster sessions. Submissions are limited to 15 pages and must be identified as one of the following:
- Completed academic papers or Research-in-progress papers: The authors need to have an interesting problem that is clearly motivated and the submission should stand on its own (maximum 15 pages) . The authors are expected to have some preliminary results to report on by the time of their presentation.
- Practice-oriented papers : A Practice-oriented paper may be submitted as a research paper (pdf or MS Word submission) ( maximum 15 pages).
- Case studies: A case study may be submitted as an abstract (maximum 5 pages) or as a MS Power Point file (maximum 30 slides)
- Posters: Poster proposals can range from two pages, but must not exceed 5 pages long. These page limits include all parts of the paper: title, abstract, body, and bibliography. Accepted posters will be presented in a 5 min poster flash session and will appear in the final proceedings of the conference. At least one of the poster authors must be a registered participant at the conference, and attend the poster session to present the work.
Note: Because ICIQ is not a commercial conference, we request that presentations have NO LOGOS.
Format Specification
MS Word Submission Specifications In Word (Paper_Specifications_ICIQ2012.doc) file, click hereIn Adobe Acrobat (Paper_Specifications_ICIQ2012.pdf) file, click here.
Example/Template (Paper_Template_ICIQ2012.doc) file, click here.
PowerPoint Presentation Submission Specifications In Word (Presentation_Specifications_ICIQ2012.doc) file, click here.
In Adobe Acrobat (Presentation_Specifications_ICIQ2012.pdf) file, click here.
Example/Template (Presentation_Template_ICIQ2012.ppt) file, click here.